Saturday 1 September 2012

My List of Things to be Happy about

1. A nap after long hours of studying
2. Writing diary
3. Lisa Ono's songs
4. A bag of hugs from Dad and Mum
5. A look of understanding from Miles
6. Sherlock Holmes detective stories
7. A song with correct pitches on TV shows
8. An "I love you" note
9. Emails from my friends
10. A new Bossa Nova CD
11. A trophy
12. Gabrielle's letters
13. Potato's super long Whatsapp messages
14. A long face-to-face chat with Stephanie
15. Dad's words of praise
16. A cup of Earl Grey tea
17. Starry night
18. Drawing birthday cards
19. Likes on Facebook
20. Passing the Maths examination
21. A phone chat with Jones
22. Mum's beef rice
23. BROTHERS gathering
24. Going to Ocean Park Halloween with Miles and Valery
25. Potato's shared link of her favourite music
26. CSI: NY
27. Eileen Chang's novels
28. A box of chocolate truffle
29. A bowl of sliced mango
30. Karaoke
31. Salmon Sashimi
32. Lucelle's laughter
33. A desired offer from university
34. "Hi" from the Schimanietz
35. Choir singing with Jones
36. Putonghua lessons
37. Mum's demonstration of how to make up
38. 5**
39. A pair of sparkling earrings
40. Going to Chimelong with Ice
41. Dinner with Grandpa and Grandma
42. Doraemon comics
43. Views on my blog
44. A friendly smile from a long lost friend
45. Emails from Victoria
46. An appreciation from Dad and CC6 on my music taste
47. A cafe with Norah Jones' music
48. Hello Kitty
49. Le Sucre bunnies
50. Doodling
51. A long sleep in an air-conditioned room
52. Hot chocolate in winter
53. Forever Friends teddy bears
54. A kiss from someone I love
55. Long happy lives for my grandparents
56. A night in Shenzhen Shangri-la Hotel
57. A buffet dinner
58. Making cheesecake with Mum
59. A Shakespearean play
60. Summer vacation
61. Frozen yoghurt topped with strawberries, mangoes or Oreo powder
62. Avocado salad with Salmon and sesame dressings
63. A chit chat with Kara
64. A sleepover
65. A white piano
66. A volunteer work with friends
67. Nigella Lawson's cooking TV shows
68. Nail art
69. A school day without Maths lessons
70. Grandma's food
71. A swim in a warm sunny day
72. Hot springs in Hokkaido
73. A chat at night about funny stuffs with Miles
74. A return of a "broken up" friend
75. Kelly Sweet's voice
76. A TV programme with beautiful British accents
77. Self portraits
78. Good Jazz music
79. A written note from Dad
80. Sunny days in cold winter
81. Strawberries with whipped cream
82. Writing stories
83. Mushrooms
84. Little kittens
85. Mobile phone, walkman or iPod with full battery
86. Sunset
87. A Roller Coaster ride with friends
88. Alissa and Jorynn
89. Hot pot dinner with my family
90. Genki Sushi
91. Sausages and scrambled egg
92. Pleasant perfume
93. Ashley's laughter
94. A new friend
95. A look of appreciation of Mum on my doodling
96. Reading old diaries
97. Jimmy Liao's books
98. A beautiful Chinese poem
99. Santa Claus' replying letter
100. A long but simple list of things to be happy about :-D